Saturday 22nd March at 7:30pm

Performed by


Petite Messe Solennelle

“Dear God, there you have it, finished, this poor little mass. Is it really sacred music or is it damned music that I have created? I was born for opera buffa, as you well know! Little technique, a little heart, that is all. So may you be blessed and grant me Paradise.”

This is what Rossini wrote at the end of his manuscript for the Petite messe solennelle – not a ‘poor little mass’ at all. In fact, it’s quite unlike any other mass for several reasons, and is beloved of audiences and musicians alike.

Vivace Chorus’s venue for this concert, Holy Trinity Church on Guildford’s historic High Street, is perfect for this fabulous music.


Holy Trinity Church, Guildford

© Jeremy Backhouse