Kodály: Choral Music
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Kodály: Choral Music (Guild)
Recorded: St John the Divine, Islington, London
March 1999 © 1999
Track list
1. Laudes Organi (1966)
2. Esti Dal (1938) (Evening Song)
3. Panga Lingua (1929)
4. Este (1904) (Evening)
Missa Brevis (1944)
5. Introitus (Organ Solo)
6. Kyrie Eleison
7. Gloria
8. Credo
9. Sanctus
10. Benedictus
11. Agnus Dei
12. Ite, Missa Est (Organ Solo)
Album Reviews
“These beautiful little gems, with their close harmony and evocation of day yielding to peaceful night are, for me, the highlights of this immensely enjoyable recording.” Ian Colson
“Worthy and committed performances.” Classic CD